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Superior events for single page web apps.

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Because custom events should be easy...

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NuGet: Install-Package trigger

Meaningless Events Are Lame

Events like 'click' and 'keyup' are meaningless to the models and logic of most applications, but i bet you still register listeners for them in your application's code. This is lame.

Your application code only needs to know what a particular event means (e.g. 'save', 'delete', 'next', etc). Your app's ideal javascript would only register listeners for events that are meaningful to your specific application (i.e. custom events).

Declarative Application Events Are Better

Add trigger.js to your page, then simply declare what 'click' means in your markup:

<button click="save">Save</button>

When the user "clicks" it, a 'save' event is automatically created and dispatched on the element. Your application never needs to listen for a click event again. This makes your JavaScript more readable and your HTML more self-explanatory.

Most people can get by with just declaring the meaning of clicks, but you can easily add other native events as additional triggers:

<html trigger-add="dblclick drop">
<div class="folder" dblclick="open" drop="move">...</div>

Dependent Events Are Tricky

Sometimes a single "click" serves as a trigger for a sequence of application actions. The simpler apps out there just conflate the actions into one $(form).click(saveIfValid). More advanced developers might register multiple listeners for the same event and use event.stopImmediatePropogation(); when you need to break the sequence. But both approaches (and most varieties of them) are fundamentally hacks to workaround you wanting a single browser event to start a sequence of application events. There is a better way...

Declaring Event Sequences Is Easy

<input type="submit" click="validate save">

This will trigger the "validate" and "save" events in sequence. Your list of events can be as long as you like. Any event handler can just call event.stopSequence() to stop the rest of the specific, declared sequence. Then, if you like, you can call event.resumeSequence() to restart it where you left off. And of course, check on the state of things with event.isSequenceStopped().

Asynchronous Handlers Make Messes

Once you are used to chaining events into nice declarative sequences, you will likely come upon a situation where one of the handlers needs to do something asynchronous (e.g. validate something on the server) before the subsequent events are triggered. To keep things event-y, you do a manual trigger('save'); call at the end of the success callback for your async business. But this means your nice declarative <button click="validate save">Save</button> element becomes a confusing <button click="validate">Save</button>.

Promise-Friendly Event Sequences Are Clean And Tidy

It's easy, get yourself a promise in that validate event handler and set it on the event (e.g. event.stopSequence(promise);). This stops the event sequence and automatically resumes it again once the promise is fulfilled. Now you can have your straightforward click="validate save" button back!

Simplistic Events Can Be Awkward

Once you've earned your "Application Events" achievement, you may realize you are only declaring events as disconnected verbs or nouns, or maybe awkward verbNouns. Your listeners have to glean information from the context or target element to decipher the full meaning of the event. This can easily lead you away from descriptive code and into "use comments to explain" territory. Sometimes that simplicity is good, but sometimes it is a real problem.

Grammatically Rich Events Can Be Graceful

trigger.js provides a declarative syntax for grammatically rich events. This helps you level-up the self-documentation of your javascript and HTML and simplify your event listeners.

click="category:type" -> event.category

When you need to distinguish your player's "move" event from that of a different feature, prefix your event with a category (subject/noun): click="player:move". Any app-wide 'move' listener can read it from the event.category property.

click="type['constant','other']" -> event.constants

To include contextual constants (object/noun) for your event, do: click="view['start']" The constant gets the JSON.parse() treatment (after some quote massaging) and is set at event.constants (always in an array, thus the brackets);

click="type#tag" -> event.tags & event[tag]

Finally, you can add simple tags (adjectives/adverbs) to your events, each prefixed by '#': click="move#up#left" and listen for these at event.tags and each event[tag] (the individual tags are always given a value of true).

NOTE: If you have a reason to use combinations of all three (probably rare), then you must put them in this order: category:type['constant']#tags (e.g. click="player:move[{'speed':2}]#west"). Think of it as subject, verb, object, adjectives and you probably won't forget how it goes.

But HTML Validation?!

You probably understand why HTML validation is considered harmful, but your pointy-haired boss still labors under the naive impression that it is a best practice.

Ok, fine, you can have your 'data-' prefix

<html data-trigger="true" data-trigger-add="dblclick">
<button data-click="validateHTML">"be lame"</button>

But Old IE?!?

You aren't ready to abandon the poor saps still using ancient versions of IE. Sure, Google stopped supporting them, but you aren't Google.

Can do.

Just use jQuery (of course) and this tiny extension:

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
  <script src="../src/trigger.old.js"></script>

Another Small Extension

If you see yourself manually using trigger instead of always letting browser events serve as triggers and also happen to be fond of jQuery, jquery.trigger.js allows you to do $('#foo').trigger('foo:squish#gooey'); instead of trigger($('#foo')[0], 'foo:squish#gooey');.

Short jQuery Version - For Those Who Don't Need All The Features

$(document).on('click', function(e) {
  var $el = $('[click]'),
      events = $el.attr('click') || '';
  events.split(' ').forEach(function(event) {
    if (!$('[type=radio],[type=checkbox]')) e.preventDefault();

Mini-Example, Just For Fun

<div id="#dungeonPlunge">
  <input type="dice" name="roll">
  <button click="move#up nextPlayer">Climb</button>  
  <button click="move#down nextPlayer">Slide</button>
var game = document.querySelector('#dungeonPlunge');
game.addEventListener('nextPlayer', function() {
  player =;
game.addEventListener('move', function(e) {
  var distance = game.querySelector('[name=roll]').value;
  if (e.up) player.climb(distance);
  if (e.down) player.slide(distance);
  if (player.hasWon()) e.stopSequence();//blocks nextPlayer event

Advanced Details

'click'-ish secrets

This extension hook provides you the opportunity to change event types, with some particular aid for tweaking events that have a 'which' or 'keyCode' important to you. Here's an example:

<div tabIndex="0" key-del="delete" click="edit">
  <span>Nathan Bubna</span>
  <input type="text" key-esc="cancel" key-enter="save">
$.extend(trigger._.special, {
  keyup27: function(e){ return 'key-esc'; },
  keyup46: function(e){ return 'key-del'; }

Note: trigger.js already listens for keyup and click events. For other special events, like keydown or dblclick, remember to do <html trigger-add="keydown"> or the like.

TODO: add more advanced details...

Release History